Routine clinics are organised by the community midwives with the regular involvement of a visiting Consultant Obstetrician from Borders General Hospital as required. The doctors do not undertake home deliveries.
If you are newly pregnant and would like to book an appointment with the midwife, please contact the Health Board Reception on 01361 883373
The Health Visitors provide regular check-ups of babies from ten days old until school entry.
The practice offers a full range of confidential family planning advice including emergency contraception. Patients planning a pregnancy are recommended to take 400 mcg of Folic Acid prior to conception and for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
You can help protect your unborn baby from getting whooping cough in his or her first weeks of life by having the whooping cough vaccine while you are pregnant – even if you’ve been immunised before or have had whooping cough yourself. Immunisation is recommended as soon as possible from week 16 of your pregnancy. The ideal time is between weeks 16 and 32 but the sooner you get the vaccine the better. Vaccination will be given by the community midwives at your regular appointment should you decide to proceed.
The midwives will also be able to administer your flu vaccination (flu vaccinations are given between October - March).