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Temporary relocation of services from Knoll Hospital site in Duns due to RAAC

We are pleased to advise that arrangements have now been confirmed for the continued operation of services based at the Knoll Hospital site in Duns.

Due to the presence of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in some parts of the buildings on the Knoll site that require remedial action, work has been underway for the past three weeks to identify and safely move patients, staff and services to alternative, suitable accommodation.

Duns Medical Group has been moved to a non-RAAC affected area at the Knoll.

All patients have been contacted directly regarding the revised arrangements. When attending the site you may be required to enter the building via a different entrance, away from the areas affected by RAAC. Clear signposting will be in place and colleagues will also be on hand to point you in the right direction.

For services that have been temporarily relocated to a different location staff and patients have been advised of that directly.


Public Holidays

Duns Medical Group will close on Monday the 21st of April for public holiday.  We will re-open at 8am on Tuesday the 22nd of April 2024.  For anyone requiring medical attention that cannot wait until the practice is open, please phone NHS 24 on 111. For any life threatening emergencies, please dial 999. 

General Medical Services Contract - NHS Borders

From 1 November 2022 Duns Medical Group has operated as a ‘2C Practice’, which means that it has been run entirely by NHS Borders. GP cover has been provided on a locum basis to date.

We are continuing to progress the procurement process for the General Medical Services Contract for Duns Medical Group. Following the Prior Information Notice (PIN) being issued in July, we issued a Tender on Friday 22nd November which will be in place for 30 days.

If the procurement process is successful, this will allow the practice to return to Independent Contractor status, meaning it would be run by a permanent GP or GP partnership. If the process is not successful, the practice will continue to be run by NHs Borders.

We do understand the concern that this can cause and are sorry for any inconvenience.

Primary Care services across Duns, Chirnside and the surrounding areas are under considerable pressure so please do not attempt to move to a different GP Practice whilst we are going through this period of change. 

In the meantime, the practice is open and operating as normal. Please continue to contact the practice if you require GP services.

Cathy Wilson, General Manager, Primary and Community Services, NHS Borders

Blood Pressure Monitors

If the practice has loaned you a blood pressure machine and you have completed the 1 week of monitoring you were asked to record, we would be grateful if you could return the machine at your earliest convenience. Other patients are awaiting these machines, we do not have enough to be loaned out on a long-term basis.  

eConsult is now live!

The surgery has now introduced eConsult, a new and efficient method of contacting us for all clinical and administrative queries, and we would encourage all our patients to use this as the first point of contact with us. By completing a short form, you will be able to provide us with a significant and useful amount of information about your query, which will allow us to deliver you an effective and efficient response in a timely manner. Click on the big blue banner on the home page to get started. For more information on eConsult please click on the Appointments tab.


Please be reminded that disabled parking spaces are for those who require them and who have a valid disabled badge. Also, please do not park or wait in/at the doctor spaces to the rear of the health centre; access is required at all times by GPs. 

Text Messages & Appointment Reminders

We are now up and running with text message appointment confirmations and reminders.  We may also use this service for health promotion and practice news including e.g. flu vaccination campaigns at appropriate times.  Consent forms will be available from reception when you next attend the health centre or complete the online form on the text messaging page.

Please keep mobile numbers up to date with the practice.


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